First love
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 陈百强 / Once Upon a dream@H_575_0@
When thIs world Isn't what It seems@H_575_0@
My Love and I lIved Inside a Smile@H_575_0@
The tIme was nIgh@H_575_0@
We broke down and we crIed@H_575_0@
RcfrIendIng dragonflIes@H_575_0@
LUllabYes and fUnnY lIttle rIdes@H_575_0@
We'd spend the nIght tIme@H_575_0@
CoUntIng coUntless stars@H_575_0@
ChokIng on oUr stolen fIrst cIgar@H_575_0@
There Is no Reason no rhYme@H_575_0@
No need of keepIng track of tIme@H_575_0@
A lIfe jUst passIng and lIfe jUst beGinn@H_575_0@
FIrst love ensnared mY mInd@H_575_0@
@R_280_1166@ was waItIng@H_575_0@
BUtterflIes went flUtterIng bY@H_575_0@
We wore oUr raIncoats standIng In the sU@H_575_0@
One bY one@H_575_0@
Good tIme had jUst begUn@H_575_0@
QUIte lost In a trance@H_575_0@
My Love and I lost In lovIng Dance@H_575_0@
TUrnIng aroUnd and tUrnIng agaIn@H_575_0@
Never knowIng It had to end@H_575_0@
There Is no fUtUre no past@H_575_0@
YoUr fIrst love won't be YoUr last@H_575_0@
FIrst love don't last oh no It won't las@H_575_0@
BUt It's worthwhIle rememberIng when
《First love》歌词由歌词大全收集整理
Rocky Road
Rocky Road