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I'll Be There

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 侧田 / 侧田×香港管弦乐团Live演唱会Yeah oh I'll be there to comfort YoU

To BUIld mY world of dreams aroUnd YoU

I'm so glad I foUnd YoU Yeah

I'll be there wIth a love so strong

I'll be YoUr strength

YoU know I'll keep holdIn' on

If YoU shoUld ever fInd @R_931_1575@ new

I know she'd better be good to YoU

'CaUse If she doesn't then I'll be there

I'll be there I'll be there

JUst call mY name And I'll be there

Don't YoU know babY

I'll be there

I'll be there

JUst call mY name And I'll be there

JUst call mY name And I'll be there

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