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You'll Shine Again

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 侧田 / Oh gIrl I hope YoU can Understand
That mY love for YoU wIll never end
Now that YoU've foUnd YoUr waY onto a better daY
YoU'll shIne agaIn
YoU'll shIne agaIn
GIve YoU strength and love to fIght the daYs ahead
I see the Light see a raInbow see the lIfe
Ooh I promIse YoU'll be there
There's no Reason to be scared
YoU'll shIne agaIn
YoU'll shIne agaIn
YoU'll fInd YoUr lIfe fInd YoUr Reason
EverYthIng wIll be alrIght
For Tomorrow jUst beGinnIng of YoUr lIfe

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Dream Away