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歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 蔡依林 / 爱的练习语蔡依林- lovefool@H_23_0@ @H_23_0@ 好歌收藏放飞情@H_23_0@ @H_23_0@ dear, I fear we're facIng a problem@H_23_0@ YoU love me no longer, I know@H_23_0@ and maYbe there Is nothIng@H_23_0@ that I can do to make YoU do@H_23_0@ @H_23_0@ mama tells me I shoUldn't bother@H_23_0@ that I oUght to stIck to another man@H_23_0@ a man that sUrelY deserves me@H_23_0@ bUt I thInk YoU do!@H_23_0@ @H_23_0@ so I crY, and I praY and I beg@H_23_0@ @H_23_0@ love me love me@H_23_0@ saY that YoU love me@H_23_0@ fool me fool me@H_23_0@ go on and fool me@H_23_0@ love me love me@H_23_0@ pretend that YoU love me@H_23_0@ leave me leave me@H_23_0@ jUst saY that YoU need me@H_23_0@ @H_23_0@ so I crIed, and I begged for YoU to@H_23_0@ @H_23_0@ love me love me@H_23_0@ saY that YoU love me@H_23_0@ leave me leave me@H_23_0@ jUst saY that YoU need me@H_23_0@ I can't care aboUt anYthIng bUt YoU@H_23_0@ @H_23_0@ latelY I have desperatelY pondered,@H_23_0@ spent mY nIghts awake and I wonder@H_23_0@ what I coUld do have done In another waY@H_23_0@ to make YoU staY@H_23_0@ @H_23_0@ Reason wIll not lead to solUtIon@H_23_0@ I wIll end Up lost In confUsIon@H_23_0@ I Don't care If YoU reallY care@H_23_0@ as long as YoU don't go@H_23_0@ @H_23_0@ so I crY, I praY and I beg@H_23_0@ @H_23_0@ love me love me@H_23_0@ saY that YoU love me@H_23_0@ fool me fool me@H_23_0@ go on and fool me@H_23_0@ love me love me@H_23_0@ pretend that YoU love me@H_23_0@ leave me leave me@H_23_0@ jUst saY that YoU need me@H_23_0@ @H_23_0@ so I crIed, and I begged for YoU to@H_23_0@ @H_23_0@ love me love me@H_23_0@ saY that YoU love me@H_23_0@ leave me leave me@H_23_0@ jUst saY that YoU need me@H_23_0@ I can't care aboUt anYthIng bUt YoU@H_23_0@ @H_23_0@ love me love me@H_23_0@ saY that YoU love me@H_23_0@ fool me fool me@H_23_0@ go on and fool me@H_23_0@ love me love me@H_23_0@ I know that YoU need me@H_23_0@ I can't care aboUt anYthIng bUt YoU@H_23_0@ anYthIng bUt YoU@H_23_0@ ~~end~~


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