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Key To Happiness

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 蔡健雅 / Just Say SoKeY To HappIness@H_16_0@ @H_16_0@ MUsIc & LYrIcs: TanYa ChUa@H_16_0@ All GUItars & KeYs: WhYnot Jansveld@H_16_0@ Bass: WhYnot Jansveld@H_16_0@ DrUms: RIch MercUrIo@H_16_0@ All vocals: TanYa ChUa@H_16_0@ MIXed bY: RIchard FUrch for eMIXIng.com@H_16_0@ Mastered bY: GavIn LUrssen @ LUrssen MasterIng@H_16_0@ AssIsted bY: ReUben Cohen@H_16_0@ @H_16_0@ YoU're losIng YoUr mInd@H_16_0@ EverYthIng seems to be FallIng apart@H_16_0@ Tears trapped In YoUr eYes@H_16_0@ YoU swal@R_578_3853@ them down to fIll Up YoUr heart@H_16_0@ @H_16_0@ BUt take a look aroUnd@H_16_0@ YoU don't have to feel down@H_16_0@ HappIness Is roUnd the corner@H_16_0@ @H_16_0@ Savor all the sweetness@H_16_0@ Lose all YoUr bItterness@H_16_0@ MaYbe that's The Key to happIness@H_16_0@ (YoU'll fInd that's The Key to happIness)@H_16_0@ Yeah Yeah@H_16_0@ @H_16_0@ Shake off some saltIness@H_16_0@ Bear wIth the soUrness@H_16_0@ That's half of The Key to happIness@H_16_0@ KeY to happIness@H_16_0@ @H_16_0@ YoU're dYIng @R_@R_167_3990@_1955@@H_16_0@ LIke a f@R_578_3853@er that's been kept In the dark@H_16_0@ EmptY Is YoUr soUl@H_16_0@ NothIng's workIng to fIll It Up enoUgh@H_16_0@ @H_16_0@ ThoUgh fUck Ups are aboUnd@H_16_0@ There Is stIll hope somehow@H_16_0@ So let It sUrroUnd YoU babY@H_16_0@ @H_16_0@ BUt don't sIde step It@H_16_0@ There's no detoUr roUnd It@H_16_0@ Bet YoU've been scratchIng YoUr head@H_16_0@ BUt whY sIde step It@H_16_0@ When there's a road ahead@H_16_0@ There's a bIg sIgn poIntIng to It@H_16_0@ @H_16_0@ 中文翻譯歌詞:@H_16_0@ @H_16_0@ 幸福的秘訣@H_16_0@ @H_16_0@ 當思緒紛亂@H_16_0@ 世猶如瓦解崩塌@H_16_0@ 淚不停打轉@H_16_0@ 好像把都淹滿@H_16_0@ @H_16_0@ 但環顧四周@H_16_0@ 你其實不必沮喪@H_16_0@ 因為幸福就在下個轉角處@H_16_0@ @H_16_0@ 品味所有甜美@H_16_0@ 拋去所有苦澀@H_16_0@ 或許這就是幸福的秘訣@H_16_0@ (你會發現那就是幸福的祕訣)@H_16_0@ @H_16_0@ 甩開過度的紛擾@H_16_0@ 偶爾承受些酸@H_16_0@ 這也是幸福秘訣的一部份@H_16_0@ @H_16_0@ 幸福的秘訣@H_16_0@ @H_16_0@ 你就要枯萎@H_16_0@ 像是被關在黑暗中的@H_16_0@ 靈魂像被掏空@H_16_0@ 沒有什麼能夠填滿它@H_16_0@ @H_16_0@ 就算再多阻礙@H_16_0@ 還是會有曙光@H_16_0@ 所以就懷抱希望吧@H_16_0@ @H_16_0@ 但不需要迴避@H_16_0@ 幸福沒有捷徑@H_16_0@ 雖然難免有困惑疑慮@H_16_0@ 但又何必迴避@H_16_0@ 生自有出路@H_16_0@ 會指引方向

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Game With Fate