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Game With Fate

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 蔡健雅 / Just Say SoThere'll be daYs when everYthIng don't go YoUr waY
Got no one to blame
It's jUst the moon and stars that have gone oUt of lIne
It's gonna be okaY

It's as If the world alwaYs walk oUt on YoU
When YoU needed faIth
SUch a cross to bear not to crY aboUt It
BUt YoU'll be okaY

Cos It's Only a game wIth fate
YoU lose some YoU'll gaIn
It's all aboUt how YoU Play
So Play It cool wIth grace
Then maYbe one daY
YoU'll end Up wInnIng thIs game

YoU can keep on gIvIng
BUt In the end get
NothIng In retUrn
BUt don't overanalYze theY're jUst lessons to learn
Keep tellIng YoUrself

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