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See You Again

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 蔡健雅 / Just Say So蔡健雅

See YoU AgaIn


HeY @R_233_3668@n't thInk I got YoUr name
Don't even know where YoU staY
Where YoU staY
Oh heY
Don't YoU thInk It mIght be fate?
How we met on a borIng daY
Yeah It's fate

@R_233_3668@n't know whether If I'd ever see YoU agaIn
BUt I'd sUre lIke to Try to see YoU once agaIn

Whether If we woUld make It as lovers or frIends
I wIsh on a star
So I coUld see YoU agaIn

HeY I thInk aboUt YoU everYdaY
SaY mY praYers saY mY grace
SaY them Loud Loud
Ooh heY
Can't forget YoUr handsome face
It's a sweet and bItter taste
Sweet and bItter taste

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Game With Fate
Never Before