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Sanctuary Of Love

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 蔡健雅 / JupiterI'll block the sUn from YoUr eYes@H_621_0@ I'll make YoU feel so loved@H_621_0@ And when the raIn poUrs@H_621_0@ I'll shelter YoU@H_621_0@ Keep YoU warm@H_621_0@ Safe In mY arms@H_621_0@ So don't hIde@H_621_0@ From now tIll a mIllIon Years awaY@H_621_0@ We'll stIll belong Together@H_621_0@ OUr love woUld fInd a waY oUt@H_621_0@ From thIs hazY crazY world@H_621_0@ @H_621_0@ So come Into The SanctUarY of Love I've bUIlt for YoU@H_621_0@ Come on and see@H_621_0@ Come on aroUnd@H_621_0@ Come on over and be wIth me@H_621_0@ Come Into The SanctUarY of Love I've bUIlt for YoU@H_621_0@ Won't YoU come on and see@H_621_0@ Come on over@H_621_0@ I'll be there oUt on the streets@H_621_0@ To get YoU aUtUmn leaves@H_621_0@ Fresh dew from sprIng@H_621_0@ And the Summers heat@H_621_0@ The crYstal clear IcIcles of wInters tIme@H_621_0@ So YoU can pUt YoUr tears awaY@H_621_0@ And all of YoUr regrets@H_621_0@ I assUre YoU@H_621_0@ OUr love Is everYthIng to agaIn@H_621_0@ And nothIng else to lose@H_621_0@ I know YoU haven't made Up@H_621_0@ Haven't made Up YoUr mInd@H_621_0@ BUt sooner on later@H_621_0@ I know I know YoU'll@H_621_0@ Come come Into The SanctUarY of Love for YoU

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