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Outer Space, Shuttles And Satellites

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 蔡健雅 / LuckWhere shoUld I beGin?
To tell YoU everYthIng that I shoUld
ShoUld I start It wIth a sUmmarY?
And later on one trUth and ten lIes

BecaUse sImplY becaUse
I´ll open Up and closed down on YoU
That I start to belIeve that It seems
That It´s okaY to be so UnkInd

RIght before YoU came along I dIdn´t realIze
There Is so mUch for me to look oUt
PacIng back and forth between the shadows and Lights
I can see the sUn comIng oUt fInallY

DId YoU see me crY?
And when YoU asked what´s wrong I saId nothIng
I laUghed too hard at the joke on TV
And that was how we ended the nIght

How long has It been?
WIth all that bUllshIt I pUt YoU throUgh
I Don´t even thInk YoU´ll forgIve all mY sIns
So shoUld I keep them all to mYself?

YoU are what YoU are @R_122_1575@ that I Don´t deserve
It can no longer serve as a remInder
Dreaming boUt oUter space, shUttles and satellItes
Take me far awaY
@R_122_1575@ far awaY from here

I´ll pack mY bag I´ll go
I´ll bear mY own sorrow
It´s easIer when there´s
No one left to blame
To tUrn the Lights on and off on and off

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