My Friend (O.S.)
歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 蔡健雅 / BoredMY frIend I know YoUll be there If Im feelIng blUe@H_161_0@
MY frIend even thoUgh were worlds apart@H_161_0@
And YoU thInk YoU havent got the stYle@H_161_0@
To stand alongsIde sUperstars@H_161_0@
MY frIend even thoUgh how everYthIng tUrned oUt wrong@H_161_0@
MY frIend after all Its jUst a passIng phase@H_161_0@
YoUre not the Only one to belleve@H_161_0@
That YoU deserve a damn mUch better lIfe@H_161_0@
So YoU can saY what YoU want@H_161_0@
Let YoUrself be free let YoUr heart gUIde YoU CrY If YoU want@H_161_0@
I wont desert YoU I wont be far@H_161_0@
MY frIend no one knows me well lIke how YoU do@H_161_0@
MY frIend alwaYs Up for the long conversatIons@H_161_0@
AboUt mY IndecIsIons In love@H_161_0@
MY erratIc moods YoUre hart to fInd@H_161_0@
MY frIend I know I ll be there If YoUre feelIng blUe@H_161_0@
MY frIend even thoUgh were worlds apart@H_161_0@
We mIght be walkIng In two dIrectIons@H_161_0@
BUt we know where each Is headIng to@H_161_0@
So YoU can laUgh all want@H_161_0@
Let YoUrself be free I wont let YoU down@H_161_0@
Do what YoU want@H_161_0@
LIve oUt YoUr bIg dreams Id Understand@H_161_0@
SaY what YoU want@H_161_0@
Let YoUrself be free let YoUr heart gUIde YoU@H_161_0@
CrY If YoU want@H_161_0@
I wont desert YoU I wont be far awaY
《My Friend (O.S.)》歌词由歌词大全收集整理
Until Next Time
Until Next Time