Hotel California (Jiamée Radio Vocal Mix)
歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 比莉 / Hotel California, Pt. 2Some Dance to forget
So I called Up the captaIn
Please brIng me mY wIne
He saId we haven't had that spIrIt here sInce nIneteen sIXtY nIne
And stIll those voIces are callIng from @R_575_1024@
Wake YoU Up In The Middle of the nIght
JUst to hear them saY
Welcome to the Hotel CalIfornIa
SUch a lovelY place
SUch a lovelY face
TheY lIvIn' It Up at the Hotel CalIfornIa
What a nIce sUrprIse
BrIng YoUr alIbIs
So I called Up the captaIn
Please brIng me mY wIne
He saId we haven't had that spIrIt here sInce nIneteen sIXtY nIne
And stIll those voIces are callIng from @R_575_1024@
Wake YoU Up In The Middle of the nIght
JUst to hear them saY
Welcome to the Hotel CalIfornIa
SUch a lovelY place
SUch a lovelY face
TheY lIvIn' It Up at the Hotel CalIfornIa
What a nIce sUrprIse
BrIng YoUr alIbIs
《Hotel California (Jiamée Radio Vocal Mix)》歌词由歌词大全收集整理
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