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Love Our Bay (英語ヴア—ヅヨソ)

歌词来源专辑:华语乐队组合 / Beyond / Love Our Bay词黄贯中.francIs lee.曲 beYond .fUnkY.主唱黄贯中.@H_516_0@ I know YoU have a dream now@H_516_0@ don't have to tell me what It's aboUt@H_516_0@ step on YoUr steppIng feet now@H_516_0@ thIs Is the place to make YoU proUd@H_516_0@ whenever YoU hear thIs soUnd@H_516_0@ thIs Is the place we stIck aroUd@H_516_0@ whatever wIll brIng YoU down@H_516_0@ jUst come along step on thIs groUnd@H_516_0@ we're saIlIng on wIth a destInatIon@H_516_0@ prettY bad repUtatIon@H_516_0@ and here we are@H_516_0@ we know It all@H_516_0@ we love oUr baY@H_516_0@ no matter what YoU stand for anYwaY@H_516_0@ we love oUr baY@H_516_0@ we love thIs rockY place now all the waY@H_516_0@ for all dreams In YoUr veIns@H_516_0@ are theY stIll clear of staIns@H_516_0@ we alwaYs long for more thrIlls@H_516_0@ pUshIng so hard jUst lIke a drIll

《Love Our Bay (英語ヴア—ヅヨソ)》歌词歌词大全收集整理

Love Our Way (北京語ヴア—ヅヨソ)