Ah Ah
歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 黄丽玲 / 失恋无罪All the gIrl, wIsh to be seXY
PrenY red dresses & hIgh hells
PUt lIp stIck on and make me hIgh
How gorgeoUs I am
I reallY love mYself
Let's jUst be sYpe cUte gIrls
I Don't need eXpensIve thIngs
YoU want me bUt YoU can't have It
ladY come on joIn the partY "Dance Dance"
Show me how YoU're "MovInq"
that have a crUsh on YoU
BabY YoU're enslaved bY mY cheam "No No"
I Don't mInd "Ah Ah"
NoBody can stop me
Most of the gIrls wanna have fUn
GoIng to clUbs In the nIght tIme
MY mom was alwaYs angrY at me
BUt when she was YoUng, she was hot
I reallY love mYself
Let's jUst be sUper cUte gIrls
I Don't need eXpensIve thIngs
YoU want me bUt YoU can't have It
TheY gIve me dIamond rIng "BlIng BlIng"
BUt theY're nothIng "To Me"
CaUse I'm mUc mUch more
Yes, YoU can't bUY me "No No"
DIfferent from"The Others"
NoBody can stop me
PrenY red dresses & hIgh hells
PUt lIp stIck on and make me hIgh
How gorgeoUs I am
I reallY love mYself
Let's jUst be sYpe cUte gIrls
I Don't need eXpensIve thIngs
YoU want me bUt YoU can't have It
ladY come on joIn the partY "Dance Dance"
Show me how YoU're "MovInq"
that have a crUsh on YoU
BabY YoU're enslaved bY mY cheam "No No"
I Don't mInd "Ah Ah"
NoBody can stop me
Most of the gIrls wanna have fUn
GoIng to clUbs In the nIght tIme
MY mom was alwaYs angrY at me
BUt when she was YoUng, she was hot
I reallY love mYself
Let's jUst be sUper cUte gIrls
I Don't need eXpensIve thIngs
YoU want me bUt YoU can't have It
TheY gIve me dIamond rIng "BlIng BlIng"
BUt theY're nothIng "To Me"
CaUse I'm mUc mUch more
Yes, YoU can't bUY me "No No"
DIfferent from"The Others"
NoBody can stop me
- 迷雾 (《魔宫魅影》电影主题曲)
- 梦话 (《幻城》电视剧插曲)
- 我都记得 (《奇人密码:古罗布之谜》电影中文主题...
- 恰好 (《功夫联盟》电影主题曲)
- 幸福太短 (《奇妙的时光之旅》电视剧片尾曲)
- 忘记拥抱 (《234说爱你》电影主题曲)
- 有一种悲伤 (《比悲伤更悲伤的故事》电影主题曲...
- 雨后彩虹
- 未完的眷恋 (《我与你的光年距离2》网络剧主题曲...
- 真相 (《守护神之保险调查》电视剧主题曲)
- 恰好 (《功夫联盟》电影主题曲)
- 默默 (《创业时代》电视剧插曲)
- 有一种悲伤 (《比悲伤更悲伤的故事》电影主题曲...
- 最好的朋友在身边 (《爱情公寓》电影主题曲)
- 一舞钟情 (QQ炫舞系列主题曲)
- 一直走
- 不要不要的
- #爱
- 最佳男主角
- 太太太耐斯
- 光之海
- 好, 不好?
- 随心所遇
- 你点的歌救了我
- 无人知晓的我
- 未单身
- 未单身
- 一直走
- 忘记拥抱
- 拿走了什么